Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Feathers From a Thousand Li Away : The Joy Luck Club

The Joy Luck Club

*I have finished reading the 1st chapter of the book Feathers From a Thousand Li Away:

Jing-Mei Woo - The Joy Luck Club

Jing-Mei "JUNE" , is the daughter of Suyuan Woo, Her mother died and she was pressured to fill her mother's shoes, in her story she's reminiscent about her past, how she lacked confidence and remembered what her mother told her that she was a late bloomer like Einstein.

Jing-Mei grew up being compared to Waverly, Lindo Jong's daughter, Their mothers would show off and tell something good about their daughters, Suyuan felt that Jing-Mei could do anything that she wanted to. She gave Jing-Mei intelligence tests and piano lessons. Her mother wanted her to excel and be proud of her. maybe there's something about her that would make her Mother proud.

The Last Paragraph of her part in the chapter ended like this...

And I am sitting at my mother's place at the mah jong table, on the east where things begin.

"The East is where things begin, The direction from where the sun rises, where the wind comes." -Suyuan Woo

. . .


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This is My Past Time, where i think i should place my thoughts, my wild imaginations, my vivid dreams, my psychotic desires (nah just kidding!).

I'll be updating you with the movies i have watched and will watch, the food trips i have made, the places i have visited, my lovedates with my boyfriend (though not in detail).

basically it's a random blog. :)
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oh, and i may update from time to time or monthly hahaha i'm not sure since i'm still studying but i'll make sure to keep you updated though:)


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