Wednesday, June 9, 2010


1. Make funny faces just to make you laugh.

actually i'm the one who's fond of making wacky expressions to make him laugh, but whenever i see his adorable face making the cutest, hyper, wacky, weird expression it makes me laugh so hard.

what can i say, he's just so adorable ;)

2. Hide love notes in your bag after a date.

Hmmmm.. he never hid one in my bag after a date but he did scattered some sticky notes on the table, sofa, and floor and he asked me if i have read his post-it's all over the place. :) he's such a sweet guy and that's one thing that i'm so proud of and i'm really lucky to have him as my other half.

3. Treats your little sister or brother like his own.
Actually he's not close with my younger brother, because my brother rarely talks to other people unless it's about wrestling and games. But i have a little cousin named mikha, he's got a lot of patience when it come to that little kiddo, and they enjoy playing games, having weird conversations, he's so ideal, since i'd love to have my kids someday,I know he'll be a very good father.

4. While watching a movie, adjusts himself so you can lean on his shoulder comfortably.
He's my movie buddy:), we love watching films, and yes he always adjusts himself so that i could comfortably lean on his sexy arms, his arms is the safest place i know, i love his hugs and whenever he carries me like a baby, so sweet, i super love his sexy arms. :)

5. Holds your hand in public and in front of his friends.
He loves to hold my hand and he's such a gentleman, He kisses my hand(s) and even if his friends are around he holds my hand so tight, i get the NO LETTING GO feeling every time he squeezes my hand tightly :)

6. Quotes your favorite movie lines when you're down.
Awwwww Our favorite film.. actually one of our favorites hahaha. :) CLICK
"Will You Still Love me in the Morning?"

"Forever and Ever Babe"

He made me watch this film from start to finish :) i have watched click once but it was just 2/4 of the film, thank God, i met my man and he introduced me to this film and he made me a better person. ILOVEMYMAN :)

7. Always let you have the last piece of cake.

Now that's a tough one hahahaha :), we both love food so that last piece of cake would be for US. not just ME, not just for HIM but it's for US. and we love sharing food. And it's so sweet to share right? and feed your other half, just like what we see in chick flicks. :P

8. Plan a star-gazing picnic during your monthsary.
We'd love to do this one. But we're too busy and my Mom wouldn't let me, i have a strict time curfew. :| but i know someday we can do this, we will gaze at the stars together, feel the moist grass, appreciate the beauty of the stars and the moon. I hope it would happen soon. :)

9. Kisses your forehead. two cheeks then lips.

Now this is fun :), we love to Kiss :), he kisses my forehead, my left and right eye, left and right cheek, my nose, my chin, and lastly my LIPS. :)

10. Reminds you everyday why he fell in love with you.
Even though he's not telling me everyday why he fell for me, one thing is for sure, He LOVED me just the WAY i am despite everything i have gone through, when i met him i threw the PAST away because i know he's my future and he's here to stay, no more questions asked indeed he's my other half, my better half. I LOVE YOU LOU!


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Hello there

This is My Past Time, where i think i should place my thoughts, my wild imaginations, my vivid dreams, my psychotic desires (nah just kidding!).

I'll be updating you with the movies i have watched and will watch, the food trips i have made, the places i have visited, my lovedates with my boyfriend (though not in detail).

basically it's a random blog. :)
nothing more :)

oh, and i may update from time to time or monthly hahaha i'm not sure since i'm still studying but i'll make sure to keep you updated though:)


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