Saturday, February 25, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

THE LYING GAME : Rumor Has It.

Yes, it's a book by Ms. Sara Shepard after seeing Pretty Little Liars (although i have been guilty of not reading her PLL books yet, though i promise to read soon after thesis.)i have been hooked on to the type of stories she makes, about mystery, love, friendship, betrayal and more, i can feel such intensity upon reading her books, i love how she adds such twist to her stories. i just fell in love with Sara Shepard 'nuff said :)

i'll be writing about book one soon, and i will post a free .pdf book for everyone :) incase you have book readers or love to read using your tablets, PC, kindle, PSPs etc :)you'll enjoy this book, get a copy or grab the .pdf copy from the link i'll be posting :)

It's been a month.

it's been a month almost two to be exact since my last post. i have been so busy with the system my group mates and i have been making for a particular school, we must finish on or before our final defense date, i have been addicted to make-ups and books and movies and more the past few months so after all this thesis thingy we're trying to finish i promise to update y'all with what i have in my mind and my heart :)) happy evening people. goodnight!:)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day Eight, Year 2012

Day 8: things that make you sad

hmmm.. the things that make me sad are the ff.

CHEATING (relationships)

hahaha :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day Seven, Year 2012

Day 7: a show or a movie that has changed you, and how?

Woah! this one is real tough i am movieholic haha almost all those i have seen changed me in a way but lemme just mention a few of those movies and i'll tell you how they have changed me :)

Let's Start with Love Stories:

Starring: Rachel Mc Adams and Ryan Gosling
Year Released : 2004
Genre: Drama/Romance/War

"Behind every great love is a great story."

So this is not in order but hey i really love the notebook it has a great impact on me, i cried my heart as i watched this film, noah and allie are a perfect match though they had to fight for they love and prove to the people around them that no matter what happens, even if they make a million ways to separate them they have a way to find one another, this changed my view on loving someone unconditionally, no matter what you go through with your other half you must make a way to forgive one another and never hesitate to take the first step towards doing the right thing for the both of you. :)

Starring: Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet
Year Released : 2004
Genre: Drama/Romance/Sci-Fi

Our memories makes us who we are. You can't change the past.

You can erase someone from your mind. Getting them out of your heart is another story.

One of my favorites, i guess this applies to all those who have a love-hate relationship with their partner though i'm not one of those who experience that kind of relationship, i just adore the lesson and the story tho it did break my heart seeing them choose to erase their memories to forget the pain they caused to one another, the story ended beautifully because it is an open-ending and it is positive yay! :)

Starring: Robin Williams, Cuba Gooding Jr. and Annabella Sciorra
Year Released: 1998
Genre: Drama/Fantasy/Romance

After life there is more. The end is just the beginning.

Another Tear Jerker, i have felt so much pain and love while watching this movie, it reminded me of my mom's love for dad tho she did not commit to anything that annabella sciorra portrayed in the movie, i think mom believes they will be reunited in the afterlife and her love for dad is incomparable and unconditional.

that's my 3 favorites others i have seen and loved and i have learned from are the ff:

TAKEN (2008)
THE GODFATHER TRILOGY (1972, 1974, 1990)
I AM SAM (2001)

and many more movies.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day Six, Year 2012

Day 6: something you would like to change about yourself?

If there's something that i would change about myself it wouldn't be physical because i'm contented with how i look though i still need to lose a few pounds because i'm no skinny girl rather i have a rubenesque, curvaceous figure :) i would change my outlook towards life and it's miracles and bullshits, Hey life is imperfect so it only means i don't have to be perfect too. :)

i guess there's not much to change, i just have to be strong and go sail smoothly yet remain strong through life's hardships and glory! :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day Five, Year 2012

Day 5: Something you would change about the world?

Well if i have the power to change anything about this world is to change all people, not because i don't like them, i just want everyone to be equal yet i also think that if all people were the same, everything would be boring, so yeah i'm uncertain about changing the people in this world, maybe the use of resources, time, the price we have to pay for something (more reasonable), good education, no poverty, equality, fair treatment, salary increase every 3-6mos. of good job performance. well there's a million things to change this world i hope whatever it is that you choose to change, you start with yourself and everything spreads like love, like magic, as long as you believe in it and make it happen, it will happen. :)

(Photo Not Mine)

Hello there

This is My Past Time, where i think i should place my thoughts, my wild imaginations, my vivid dreams, my psychotic desires (nah just kidding!).

I'll be updating you with the movies i have watched and will watch, the food trips i have made, the places i have visited, my lovedates with my boyfriend (though not in detail).

basically it's a random blog. :)
nothing more :)

oh, and i may update from time to time or monthly hahaha i'm not sure since i'm still studying but i'll make sure to keep you updated though:)


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